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Huntington Beach Union High School District

Curriculum, Instruction, & Categorical Programs » District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

Every California public school district with 51 or more English learners, regardless of language, must form a District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) or subcommittee of an existing districtwide advisory committee.

The purpose of DELAC is to advise the district and school administration on English Learner Program services. Through their involvement in DELAC, parents of English learners (ELs) acquire information to understand and voice concerns related to the District’s English Learner Programs to ensure the success of these students.

Comité Consultivo del Distrito para Estudiantes de Inglés (DELAC)

Cada distrito escolar público en California con 51 o más Estudiantes de inglés (ELs), sin importar el idioma, debe formar un Comité Consultivo del Distrito para Estudiantes de Inglés (DELAC) o un subcomité de un comité consultivo existente en el distrito.

El propósito de DELAC es aconsejar a la administración del distrito y las escuelas en los servicios y programas para estudiantes Aprendices de inglés. A través de su participación en DELAC, padres de Estudiantes de inglés adquieren información para entender y expresar preocupaciones relacionados a los programas del distrito para Estudiantes de inglés para asegurar el éxito de estos estudiantes.


2024-2025 DELAC Meeting Dates

Date/Fecha Time/Horario Location
Thurs., Oct. 3, 2024
9:00am - 10:30am Westminster High School Adult School, A1
Thurs., Dec. 5, 2024
Agenda | Minutes
9:00am - 10:30am Westminster High School Adult School, A1
Thurs., March 6, 2025
Agenda | Minutes
9:00am - 10:30am Westminster High School Adult School, A1
Thurs., May 8, 2025
Agenda | Minutes
9:00am - 10:30am Westminster High School Adult School, A1



Correo Electrónico
District Office Rocky Murray Executive Director, Curriculum, Instruction & Categorical Programs [email protected] 714-903-7000
District Office Rick Croom  Administrative Secretary [email protected] 714-903-7000
District Office Sandy Smallshaw Interpreter/Translator (Spanish) [email protected] 714-903-7000
District Office John Nguyen Interpreter/Translator (Vietnamese) [email protected] 714-903-7000
Huntington Beach HS Erin Stowell District English Language Learner - Facilitator [email protected] 714-536-2514
Huntington Beach HS Roxanna Jimenez Community Outreach Specialist (Spanish) [email protected] 714-536-2514 
Huntington Beach HS
Michael Feliciani
Pell Coordinator - HBHS
Huntington Beach HS
Christina Flowers
Pell Coordinator - HBHS 714-536-2514
Westminster HS
Kenia Manosalvas
Lilly Tran
Community Outreach Specialist (Spanish)
Westminster HS Richard Martin PELL Coordinator - WHS [email protected]
Marina HS Lupe Melgoza PELL Coordinator - MHS [email protected]  714-893-6571
ext. 4136
Fountain Valley HS  Matt Patton  PELL Coordinator - FVHS [email protected]  714-962-3301
Fountain Valley HS  Marianne Young  PELL Assistant (Vietnamese) [email protected]  714-962-3301
ext. 4620
Edison HS Zoran Forgiarini PELL Coordinator - EHS  [email protected]
(714) 962-1356
ext. 4389
Ocean View HS Robert Tapia Community Outreach Specialist (Spanish) [email protected] 714-848-0656 
Ocean View HS Marian White Pell Coordinator - OVHS [email protected] 714-848-0656
Valley Vista HS Peter Dang Pell Coordinator - VVHS [email protected] 714-964-7766
Coast HS Brandi Peterson Pell Coordinator - CHS [email protected] 714-848-5160