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Huntington Beach Union High School District

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The Personnel Commission of the Huntington Beach Union High School District oversees the activities of the Commission staff, giving of their time and talents to serve the district, its classified employees, and the communities it encompasses.

Commissioners are private citizens who are known adherents of the merit principle. They are appointed for three-year staggered terms. One Commissioner is appointed by the Board of Trustees, one is appointed by the employee association, and the other is appointed jointly by the other two. They can be reappointed upon their showing a continued interest and support of merit system principles and practices.

The Personnel Commission generally meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday, beginning at 4:00 p.m., at the District Board Room located at 5832 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. 

You may communicate by email to all Commissioners by sending an email to [email protected].


Meet our Personnel Commissioners

Dr. Alan Rasmussen

Dr. Rasmussen joined the Commission in July of 2020 as the Board appointee.  He has more than 40 years of experience in K-12 education, including 13 years as a superintendent. Following undergraduate study at California State University, Northridge, Dr. Rasmussen received his Master’s in Teacher Education from the University of Southern California and a Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of La Verne.  In 2001, he received the Gold Award from the California Teachers Association for his support of public education. In 2004, the Association of California School Administrators named him as the Superintendent of the Year for Region IX.

Term Expires: November 30, 2026

Ms. Bonnie Bruce

Ms. Bruce has served as the joint appointment for the Commission since August 2009. She holds a Master’s of Education degree with special emphasis on Special Education and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development/Family Studies. Prior to becoming owner/director of Chancy and Bruce Educational Resources, Bonnie served as an educator. She was also an elected member and two-term president of the HBUHSD Board of Trustees from 1990-2000. She has been involved both professionally and as a volunteer in all aspects of education.

Term Expires: November 30, 2027

Mr. Anthony Ramirez

Mr. Ramirez was appointed to the Personnel Commission in December 2013 as recommended by CSEA. He is a resident of Fountain Valley. He currently works in the technology department of the Bellflower School District, where he served as the CSEA Public Relations Officer, as a member of the negotiations team, and currently serves on the Insurance Committee.

Term Expires: November 30, 2025


Statement of Merit System Ethics

We, the members of CSPCA, believe that:

  • Excellence in support of public education is the ultimate goal of the Merit System.
  • Service as an employee in the public schools is the noblest of all services and, we should endeavor to perform our duties to bring honor and credit to our public educational system.
  • The Merit System provides for the efficiency of the Classified Service by the selection, promotion, and retention of qualified employees.
  • Equal opportunity shall be provided for all under a system of merit selection.
  • Efficiency of the Classified Service begins with individual responsibility to build collaboration on shared ethical values in the workplace.
  • As leaders in support of the Merit System, we set the ethical tone by our personal conduct and our institutional leadership.
  • We shall conduct ourselves at all times in such a manner as to create truth and confidence in the objectivity and impartiality of our decisions.
  • It is our obligation to support and administer State and Federal laws honestly in the mutual interest of the employees, students, and the community we serve.
  • We shall continue to seek, through State legislation and local policies, rules and processes that will further the interests of efficiency and fairness of the Merit System.
  • We recognize and support a diverse workplace as a strategic means for the promotion of long-term growth of the Merit System.

Adopted by the Personnel Commission on November 29, 2018

Annual Report

Personnel Commission Rules/Regulations